Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Standoff on Tatooine

The coordinates Nemiria recieved from the datapad indicate coordinates that lead you to an enbattled sector of Balmorra's weapons production factories.

 ((How you apprach the planet is up to you, I have no idea what kind of cloaking features your ship has, but there is an imperial blockade surrounding the area the planet.))

Nemiria grins when looking at the coordinates. She had been on Balmorra before but hardly ever left the bases. She stopped her ship far from Balmorra to study which base would be closer. Then decided that it would be risky but smarter to land in the imperial zone. For some time she leant against a wall to come up with a plan then headed to her room and started to change her clothes. She tied her hair up and made sure to cover the scar in her face with make-up as well as she put contact lenses in her eyes.
After checking on her masquerade she slipped into something which looked like an uniform of the imperial intelligence. She frowned at the tight clothes and the itching fabric but then shrugged and allowed her ship to fly slowly to the imperial blockade leaving her communication channels open.

The open comm link is immediately hailed by the imperial space port. "Civilian ship, this is imperial station 116-B. State your name and business on Balmorra."
The woman speaking through the comm link sounds young, but stern.

Nemiria keeps her face calm and just nods as she parts her lips she has a slight imperial accent "Adegana Firescraper, I am here to trade rare food"

There is a short pause, "Rare food, hm? Moff Janderson must be having another banquet. Waste of resources if you ask me. Come on through then." The hangar bay shields change from red to blue indicating your ship may pass through them. "Welcome to Balmorra, Ms. Firescraper."

"I am sure Moff Janderson has his reasons I am just a trader but thank you very much Miss." Nemiria grinned and slipped out of the uniform again. This had been more easy than she had thought it would be. The situation seemed to change so often and pretending to be an imperial often worked. She put something on which allowed her to look decent then contacted the tower to request the allowance to land as well as a to get signed to a hangar.

"Permission to land, Ms. Firescraper." The security officers of the station had been overworked and under paid lately, due to the increased fighting on Balmora. Many of the people working the space station were veterans of battles planet side. Working the space port was a sort of vacation for them.

The hangar bay is simple and barren, but very clean.

"Thank you" she landed the ship safely and looked around in it before heading to the exit.

A shiny black Imperial observer droid approaches with a silver chromatic protocol droid in tow. "Greeting Ms. Firescraper. I am Protocol Droid designate PD-553. You may register your cargo and ship with me, while our observer droids search your ship for contraband." Two more shiny black orbs enter the hangar bay behind PD-553 and stop next to the first one. They appear to be waiting for orders.

PD-553 puts his hand out in expectation of a data pad indicating your identity. "Your credentials, please."

 World: ((Bullshit made up hacking technology is TOTALLY allowed by the way. Also, fake IDs are allowed. How you character deals with this really has no limits but your imagination. I will make you roll though, depending on the feasibility of the response. That okay?))

 Nemiria looks at the droids and nods "Greetings PD-553" she gives the droid a smile and turns around "follow me then but can I have a word with you" she does her best to blush "there are some objects in my bedroom I would not want to appear on a list you know" she reaches in her pocket and hands him a data pad, it looks used. But Nemiria does not seem to fear that it could not work at all. She had been using this identity for a while and Adegana Firescraper even had had a slight similarity to her.

PD-553 takes the I.D. and scans it motionlessly. "Thank you Ms. Firescraper." It then returns the I.D. to Nemiria. "The observer droids will now scan your ship. Unfortunately, we cannot omit any discovered items from our manifest. We apologize for any embarrassment that may come from this."

Nemiria nods "I understand I am sure that you are only doing your job." she keeps looking at the droid "Who will get to see the results of those scans? I hope it will not be a man will it? It would be really embarrassing for me." she shifts her weight from foot to foot "will it take long?"
"I assure you, Ms. Firescraper. Whomever reviews the manifest, male or female or other, is a consummate professional. There is no need to concern yourself with the matter. The length of the surveillance depends on the make and model of the ship, Ms. Firescraper. Barring any discoveries of contraband, you will only be detained for a few more minute, I apologize for the inconvenience." The observer droids begin their inspection using echo location and x-ray scanners to see into the ship without having to enter.

 "I am glad that they are professionals" she does her best to pretend to do a sigh of relief. "I wonder if there is somebody who can help me. For my job as trader of rare foods I need a certain secret colicoids produce. This is why I came to this planet. There are some people who use it to mix it into drinks. It is said to taste wonderfully but I admit I never dared to test" she shrugs and waits for the scan to finish. She had nothing she supposed which could be seen as contraband on her ship. No big weapons, no drugs only a bunch of dirty clothes. And a bunch of sex toys in her bedroom as she had found out that it was somehow useful to have those there in case that somebody did a research on the inside of her ship./

The observation droids complete their survey of the ship and disappear through a doorway. "I'm afraid the acquisition of such things is out of realm of information. There are a number of mercenaries within the space station looking for work planet side, perhaps one of them can be of assistance? I understand the native colicoids are responsible for a great deal of casualties on Balmorra." PD-553 appears to go stiff briefly as his eye lights go dim. After a few moments he returns to normal, "Congratulations,  Ms. Firescraper. You have been cleared to take a shuttle planet side, have a safe trip to Balmorra."

Nemiria performs a slight bow "thank you PD-553. I am sure that I will see you again when I return to travel off world?" she moves on her toes and stretches "thank you for all the information" she reaches out "can I have my I.D. back or will I receive it before leaving?"

PD-553 offers a stiff, robotic bow in response. "Of course, Ms. Firescraper. I am assigned to assist the resident of this hangar. Please, do not hesitate to call on me if I can be of further assistance."

Nemiria nods "I will do so. Until then PD-553" she leaves the hangar and walks through the spaceport. Then steps into the sunlight of Sobrik and looks into the sky. She does resist the urge to pull out her data pad to look for the direction of the arms factory. Instead she figures out the way to the next cantina and goes there.

The cantina is dimly lit with red and blue lights. There are several empty tables due to the time of day, but there are a few off-duty soldiers and mercenaries in tight groups. One figure stands-out against the bar, wearing a long hooded black robe. It's back to you.

Nemiria lets her eyes wander over the people in the cantina as she slowly walks to the bar. She tries not to look at the figure in the dark robe supposing that it might be a sith. When reaching the bar she orders herself a glass of lager. She leans against the bar while waiting.

The bartender quickly brings Nemiria her order without a word. You notice the bartender making nervous glances at the robed before returning to his cleaning duties. Trying his best to look the part of the diligent worker.

Nemiria takes a sip of her beer and makes a grimace at the taste. Her glance starts to wander over the group of mercenaries while she tries to figure out if one of them somehow makes an impression of being good to work with. Her eyes now and then get distracted by the person in the robes but their presence does not seem to make her nervous.

As Nemiria approaches the group of mercenaries, laughing merrily and sharing drinks, they stop and turn their attention to her. There are 5 in total, a mix of humans and cyborgs. The oldest the the group, his left eye obstructed by a cybernetic implant and his silver hair tied into a neat pony tail, looks Nemiria over. "Hello little lady, you lost?"

The dark figure in the robes makes no indication that they have even noticed you. It is perfectly still minus simple breathing movements.

Nemiria looks up to the man who adressed her and bites on the left side of her lower lip "I wish it would be like this. But I came to this planet because I wanted to. I did not expect it to be so" she manages to look nearly desperate while searching for words "violent". She takes a deep breath "And now I am here and need to go somewhere on this planet with all those horrible things happening and find something else the business of my family will be ruined and my younger siblings sold as slaves to the hutts"

The elder mercenary appear unmoved. "Sorry, lady. Not my problem." The old mercenary returns to his drinking, and proceeds to ignore. The other seem to follow his lead in ignoring you, all except one. He appears to be the youngest, and has not stopped staring at you since you arrived.

The young man has unbelievably blue eyes, and tight fitting fiber meshes showing off the tightly muscled body of a melee combat specialist. On his back hangs a long, narrow and curved vibrosword.

He is a pretty young man. Borderline androgynous.

"Indeed it is not your problem" Nemiria takes her glass and takes a sip of it before giving the young man a smile then turns around to walk back to the bar. She looks at the person in the cape again and gives them a slight nod when passing and also eyes the soldiers again.

The man in the robes makes no indication that he has noticed her presence, and the soldiers appear to huddled tightly together ignoring everything outside of their little circle.

The young man breaks away from his group after a short argument with the old mercenary he jogs up to Nemiria. "Err, hey! Lady... I, um, I might be able to help you." He scratches the back of his neck and eyes the floor. His silver hair hangs over his face obscuring his eyes

Nemiria turns her head to look up to the young man "you would be willing to help me? Really?" she smiles to him as if she would not believe his words "I did not think that there are still people who are willing to help. But it might be dangerous I would never want somebody to risk a lot for me".

The naive young man smiles nervously, "I've seen my share of danger, miss. Don't you worry about me. So, tell me. What is it you need exactly?"

Nemiria keeps smiling to the young man "I can not say how much I appreciate this." she starts to knead her fingers while looking up to him "I need to travel into an area in which a lot of fighting takes place to pick up something from dangerous beasts"

The young man tries his best to look confident. "Well, I happen to have my very speeder. I can get you where you need to go." He reaches over his shoulder and pats the long blade on his back. "And I can protect you from the beasts."

Nemiria follows the movement of his hand with her eyes "That looks impressive. And you know how to use it? I think I never met a man before who had a weapon like this. You must have gotten into so many adventures. But how big is your speeder could it transport something big?"

He nods excitedly. "Oh yes, I have been trained in the Echani martial styles since I could walk. I know my way around her." He furrows his eyebrows at her next question. "Err, well... it's more built for speed. I suppose we could tether an anti-grav platform to the back, we'll just travel a bit slower. We got a couple for transporting prisoners... That could work?"

Nemiria ponders for a moment then nods several times "that could work very well." then she looks questioning up to him "you transport prisoners? Are you a member of the empire? This is so impressive" her voice becomes slightly higher while she pretends to be more impressed and excited.

The young man shrugs non-chalantly. "Well, we've been hired by the the Empire to fight the resistance here on Balmorra. They don't hire too many non-Mandolorian mercs, but our clan is pretty skilled." He's clearly proud to have earned himself a place among them. "Alright, well. Lets get you on your way Miss...?"

"Oh fighting the resistance that is very important. I am glad that you are helping the empire to be a better place with less troublemakers" she nods "yes we can go if you are ready. My name is Adegana Firescraper and yours?"

He bows respectfully, "Endris Hast, at your service, Ms. Firescraper." He turns toward the doorway, "This way, quickly. Before the old man changes his mind..." The elder mercenary from the group seems to be eyeing you suspiciously.

The dark robed person at the bar still appears to be waiting for something as he hasn't moved an inch. While the group of off-duty soldiers seem to have gone back to work.

Nemiria follows Endris closely in tiny fast steps as if she would not be used to wear pants. She does not look to the group of mercenaries and focuses Endris back as they leave.

Outside the cantina, the sun is high and the sky is bright. Enris leads you to a line of Aratech model speeder, beautifully kept and state of art. Next to those is a series of hovering platforms one of which, Endris ties to the back of a silvery speeder that can only be his own.
The model is a bit older than the others, but you can tell it's well taken care of.
 "This is our ride." He gesture to the speeder with a smile of a proud father.

Nemiria looks over the speeders. Then walks to the he showed to her "How do I use it? Do you think I am able to ride something really fast?" she bites on her lower lip again before walking to the speeder and struggling to climb onto it. "Could you help me maybe Endris?" she looks over to him and makes an embarrassed face.

He blushes and smiles nervously. "We will be... erm, riding together. Unfortunately, I only have the one speeder." He looks at the ground, fidgeting.

Nemiria smiles to him and looks thankful "that is way better I would never have been able to drive this myself. I would have been so embarrassed if I would have done something stupid just because you know I normally do not have to deal with things like that."

Endris sighs in relief and climbs onto the speeder. The seat extends a bit behind him allowing for another person to sit directly behind. "Ahem... there are handles on the sides of the seat. Or, umm, you can hold onto me if you like." He starts the engine on the speeder and waits for her to board.

Nemiria steps a bit closer and reaches out for his shoulder "I hope you do not mind" she bites on her lower lip and climbs onto the speeder still holding his shoulder "I am so sorry for being so bad in this" she lets herself fall onto the seat and grabs the handles. "Is there something I have to do to make sure that I do not fall off?"

 "No worries, Miss. Just hold on tight." He smiles to himself and pulls back the throttle on the speeder making it lurch forward and begin accelerating. He yells over his shoulder, "So! Where are we heading!?"

"I will do so, thank you" she points into the direction of the Ballmorran Arm's factory "we need to travel in this way." she shuffles forward on her seat to be able to follow it's movements better. "The things I need to pick up are there"

Endris blushes slightly as he feels her move a little closer. He nods shortly and heads into the indicated direction accelerating the speeder faster.

Nemiria looks up to the sky then back to the head of the man in front of her. "Do you think we will get in danger?"

At that moment a mortar explodes the ground about 10 meters away. Endris doesn't appear to be phased by it. "Absolutely." He grins imagining how cool he must have just sounded.

Nemiria gasps "oh I see" she moves closer to him and whispers "I am so glad that you help me I do not know at all how to reward you for all of this, thank you"

Her breath on his ear sends a chill down his spine, he takes a deep breath and calms himself, blushing furiously. "No thanks necessary ma'am. Helping those in need is thanks enough." A high whistling can be heard over head and Endris swerves to the left hard, avoiding another mortar blast skillfully.

Nemiria instinctively follows the movement of the speeder with her body and bites hard on her lower lip to avoid swearing. She started to get tired of playing innocent and helpless but it served her needs so well. Although she would have enjoyed way more to be the driver. She rolled with her eyes supposing that he could not see her face and gasped "They are trying to kill us"

Endris shakes his head, "Nah, this is a battle zone. They're firing wildly from their base, the resistance isn't very well trained. They're just sprayin' and prayin'. Don't worry, miss. They high pitched whistling gives away its landing position long before it hits. I'll keep you safe." He points toward a structure sticking out of the side of a mountain about 10 kilometers away. "We're almost there!"

Nemiria shuffles on her seat and makes sure that her chest gets pressed a few times against his back then pulls out her data pad "I need to get to the following coordinates ..." she then reads the coordinates to him "I am so glad that you know this place so well"

He tenses each time she presses against him and he dials the coordinates into the GPS unit on his speeder. "Ah! I know this place, popular with black market dealings. It's usually pretty quiet." He nods and smiles as they steadily approach their destination.

"Black market?" she manages to get a slight shivering into her voice "I did not expect something like that. But I really want to save my siblings" she moves even closer to him as she was now in real need for his strength and protection.

He swallows hard as she gets even closer, still blushing. They pull up to the entrance to one of the factories. "W-We're here." No one is around to greet you, though there appear to be signs of battle.

Her nostrils widen for a moment as she inhales the air deeply trying to smell any scents of smoke then she slides off the Speeder, ready to jump behind it in case that they suddenly get attacked. She looks to Endris "Is it always so empty?" she keeps her voice low so that she nearly whispers.

Endris steps off the speeder and nods. "Yeah, unless there's a deal going on." He nods toward the entrance to the factory. "Usually inside there... Who are these people that took your siblings? Criminals? Resistance?"

 Nemiria sighs "It is a bit more complicated. The hutts took them after my father failed in delivering something they left me the option of going here to pick something up for them and to bring it to hutta, else they will sell my siblings." she shivers "I did not think that it would be so dangerous"

Endris nods resolutely and gestures to the entrance again. "Whatever it is must be in there if it the hutts we're dealing with." He starts moving toward the factory confidently. "Usually the marketeers are pretty amicable, I'm sure this won't be any trouble."

Nemiria looks to Endris and nods and whispers "thank you again" then walks towards the factory and enters it.

As you enter, a large warehouse opens up, almost completely empty. The factory appears to be abandoned. You quickly notice several dead bodies littered throughout the room leading toward a large pile of boxes, which you can only assume is your target. --

However, you can see the silhouette of a figure lying casually atop the pile. He appears to be waiting for something.
Endris notices the bodies as well and draws his blade, putting himself between you and the figure, who is now climbing lazily to his feet.
Nemiria wrinkles her nose at the corpses and looks up to the figure on top of the pile of boxes. She looks up to the person and shrugs slightly "I guess you were waiting for me?" her voice is her own again and she moves way more secure.
The figure hops down gracefully from the pile and steps into the light. Right away, you note that he is a Sith pureblood. Though, he is dressed in a long black coat not typical of the Sith, he still sport two lightsabers on his hips. The pureblood smirks, "Afraid not sweet heart. I assume you're here for these?" He points over his shoulder toward the pile of goods.

"A pity I always had heard rumors of the special talents of your kin and you are right I am indeed here for those." she smirks to him "do you have any objections against me taking them with me?"

Endris furrows his eyebrows, noting her suddenly calm demeanor. He looks confused, but shakes his head quickly returning his focus to the Pureblood, blade still drawn.

The pureblood folds his arms over his chest, "Sorry love, I'm afraid I do." He looks to Endris, "Put that away, son. You could put someone's eye out with that thing."

Nemiria gives Endris a smile "I do not want you to get hurt, I think it might be better if you put your blade away" she then looks to the pureblood "oh I am sorry to hear that. What makes you mind them to be transported away? I mean you are a pureblood what could those boxes mean to you? And this friendly gentleman" she points to Endris "brought me here so that I would be able to pick them up"

The pureblood nods toward the bodies littered throughout the warehouse. "I assume they were waiting you. I'm sorry to say my client wants these items for himself and has hired me to take them. You are not my client, sweetie."

Endris' eyes widen slightly. The light of recognition in his eyes, he keeps his blade drawn looking nervous.
Nemiria shrugs "well how can we be sure that your client and my client are not the same person? And I am sure you would prefer working with me than against me." she looks up and down at him "I think that could be beneficial for both of us"

The pureblood continues to smirk, knowingly. "The resistance can't afford Echani mercs, sweet heart. And you both look too clean and well fed to be working for free. No, I'm pretty sure you're who these goods were meant for." He keeps his arms folded over his chest. "You're welcome to leave, I won't stop you. But you're not getting these goods, kiddies."

Endris speaks up, "Have a heart, man! The hutt cartell will sell this poor woman's family in slavery if she doesn't deliver these goods to them!"

The pureblood makes mock pouty face, "Aww, that's a shame."

Nemiria blushes at Endris words "I am sorry but that was a blatant lie Endris." she sighs "I am hired to get those goods off planet. But they will not used to save anybody" she turns her head to Zurseer "Are you sure that you want to keep working on a planet like this for a long time? To me you look more like a man who knows how to enjoy himself"

Endris looks like you just hit him in the stomach. "The old man was right... Why...why did you lie to me?" The pureblood answer. "To use you, you bafoon. God, killing you will be worse than killing a puppy." He turns his attention to Nemiria.

"Don't assume to know my schedule, sweet heart. You two should leave, my contacts will be arriving soon. "
Nemiria gives a Endris a look full of pity "The old man was right, I am sorry" then pulls out her data pad and looks up to the sky "My ship will be here soon as well. I am sure that your contacts are able to deal with an air attack are they?" she smirks "So I think it should be you who should take his leave and as much as I used him I do not want you to kill him but I am here to do a job" she makes a gesture with her hand "leave pureblood you are underestimating me"
The pureblood grins and draws his lightsabers, igniting them as he pulls them from his hips. The red blades hum ominously. "These factories can and have survived worse than what you can offer... there is a reason your people chose it as an exchange point. You're beginning to bore me..."

Endris looks crestfallen, but takes a deep breath and resets his fighting stance. "I promised I would protect you, Ms. Firescraper... if that's even your real name. And I don't break promises."
Nemiria looks up to the roof "I did not mean to bomb the factories but the path here is not as protected. Your contacts might be dead already. So how about a deal? I get what I was hired for and you get 20% of what I get paid and I might even be willing to take a drink with you"
The pureblood shakes his head slowly. "10 minutes."
Endris sets his jaw and holds his ground.

Nemiria ponders for a moment and smiles "well I can go up with my offer. How about 30% and I take two drinks with you"

The pureblood is unmoved. "Desperation is a stinky perfume, dearie. 5 minutes."

Nemiria shrugs then lifts her arm to smell at her axle "Good that I do not smell like it then" she grins. "I also can offer you a trip off this planet"
The pureblood just stares at her. "2 minutes."

Shouts can be heard coming in from behind Zurseer, distantly. But echoing from inside the factory. "That would my client. Coming in through the underground network." Said with a bored look on his face.

Nemiria glares at him and turns slightly to look at Endris "leave" then she turns back to the pureblood again "Oh are they? What will they say if they find you in a discussion with somebody else about how to take those goods off planet?"
Endris looks at her for a moment and shakes his head once. "Absolutely not."

The pureblood. "Eugh, you're pathetic women. Give it up, and save yourself some trouble. The resistance is mostly men... I'm sure they would love to have prisoner like you." The pureblood smirks as he looks her over.
The footsteps in the distance are getting louder, and closer.

The pureblood tilts his head to the side. "Tick tock tick tock, sweet heart."
Nemiria looks disgusted "They eventually would, but they are men and men talk a lot and they would loose their support if they did anything like that and I doubt that they could keep it quiet. Somebody always talks" she straightens her shoulders and stares at Zurseer. "You are sick how could you even think of something like that, are you so horrible that this is the way you get women?" her body is tensed and her cheeks reddened in anger.
The pureblood rolls his eyes, utterly disinterested. About a dozen heavily armed men come pouring into the room, bearing the markings of the resistance. The pureblood chuckles, "I guess times up. I'd run if I were you, darling."
Endris looks concerned and looks worriedly to Nemiria. "Miss... He may be right... It's...umm.." He swallows hard and reset his stance.

The men fall into a firing line in front of the pureblood point their weapons in the direction of Nemiria and Endris.

Nemiria nods to Endris words "I think you might be right." she swears "Let's leave"

Endris looks over his shoulder at her with a nod and starts backing towards her, keeping himself between her and gunners.
A man, who appears to be in charge steps up next to the pureblood. "Halt! Who are you people!?" The pureblood places a hand on his shoulder. "Relax, Captain. They were just leaving."

Nemiria can not help but glares at the pureblood. Then walks backwards out of the facility.

The captain frowns at the pureblood and nods reluctantly allowing their safe passge. The pureblood waves, "Ta-ta! You two be good now!"

Endris sheathes his blade as soon as they're both outside. "Come on, Ms... Whatever your name is. I'll drive you back to the port." His demeanor is cold, but he's clearly still willing to help.

Nemiria looks up to Endris and nods slowly "My real name is Nemiria Eisvogel, I am in the transport business but it seems like I pretty much failed today" she sighs and climbs onto the speeder "who would have thought that they use sith now to make sure to get certain goods"

Endris starts the engine on his speeder. "That was the "Red Devil". He's no more Sith than I am, he's a mercenary. We're lucky to be alive..." The pulls the throttle less gently than early and pulls quickly away from the factory.

Endris doesn't say a word the entire ride back to the station, deftly weaving in and out of danger he seems much more ambivalent to her presence than before.

"That name fits to him. For whom does he work? I mean who were those men?" she pauses "I am sorry that I lied to you, but I just did not see an other way to get where I needed to go. I am sorry" she looks embarrassed.

Endris sighs and his demeanor softens when she apologizes, but he tries to remain cold; knowing full well she could just be manipulating him again. "Resistance forces."

"At least then I know where that stuff went. I guess I should leave the planet soon and inform my client" she was somehow glad and angry at the same time "If you want I give you my real contact data I owe you a lot. So please ask me for a favor if you ever need to leave this planet"

Endris looks her in the eye. You can the shame in his expression. "Good bye, Ms. Eisvogel. I hope we do not meet in the future." He unties the anti-grav platform and turns toward the cantina; preparing himself for embarrassment.

Nemiria lowers her eyes as he looks in hers. "I am sorry" she repeats her words again. "I hope you stay alive for a long time - you are worth it" she turns around and heads to the space port.

Endris enters the cantina without looking back, disappearing into its doorway. The space port is much like you remember it from this morning. People coming and going, imperial soldiers and various mercenaries.

Nemiria heads to her hangar bay. And leans against the door of her ship while trying to somehow stomach the events of the day.

PD-553 approaches. "Good evening, Ms. Firescraper. I hope your stay was a good one. Are you preparing to leave?"

"Yes, I am intending to do so. I was hindered by the resistance so I could not accomplish what I wanted to do but yes I will leave"

PD-553 bows. "The resistance will not last much longer under the pressure of Empirer, my lady. Long live the Emperor." The droid rises from his bow, "I will take the liberty of making preparations for your departure. I sincerely hope I was able to be of assistance during your stay."

 "You were of great assistance, Long live the Emperor" she bows "am I allowed to board my ship?"

 "Of course, Ms. Firescraper. It should only be a few more minutes before you can depart. Thank you got visiting, Balmorra. Travel safely." PD-553 offers a short robotic bow and hobbles away.

 Nemiria steps away from the door of her ship and waits the door to open and walks through it. Back on Board she seems to sink together and leans against the wall again. She kicks off her shoes and throws her socks into a corner then walks into the cockpit and starts the engines.

The intercom switches on. "Ms. Firescraper? You are cleared for take off. Travel safely, long live the Empire."

"Long live the empire" she shuts down the intercom and flies the ship out of the hangar before starting to accelerate to fly back in space. After programming the auto pilot to brink her back to Coroscant she walks to her bed and falls into it while still wearing her clothes.

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